Wednesday, 5 July 2017


0830 : Reveille. Watched Ep2 of "Breaking Bad".

0900 : Made coffee.

0930 : Devotion on Acts 27. Thanked God for using His people to remind me to stop, remember and repent.

1017 : Watched random videos on YouTube homepage.

1056 :  - debase -

1114 : Downloaded a game from the Play Store. Played it.

1132 : Lunch. Porridge with luncheon meat.

1149 : Browsed YouTube homepage.

1158 :  - defile -

1209 : Back to YouTube.

1254 : Watched Ep2 of "Fight for my way".

1417 : "Breaking Bad" episodes 3 & 4.

1606 : HIIT.

1630 : Shower.


And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'  
