Saturday 28 October 2017

my confession

Update (05032018): I decided to just come out and say it. Matilda is "masturbation" and Penelope refers to "pornography".

I think there’s something you should know. I’m involved in a secret relationship with Matilda. Well, it’s not a secret anymore, but I’ll get to that later. This has been going on for 6 years, to say the least. For the past 5 years I’ve always held on to the belief that if all else failed in life, she’d be there for me. I call these years the “glory years”. And for these years, it has indeed been the case. At least, in my limited perspective. At least, until the all-exposing light of truth shone on this heinous sin of mine.

You know I really thought everything was fine. Truthfully though, there were clues that pointed to the destructive nature of Matilda. Back in the “glory years”, I would hear of people talking, even warning that such relationships were to be avoided at all costs. I never heeded their advice. Plus, these words were never directed at me. (Probably because they never knew you were so steeped in toxicity, idiot.) So, I went on with it, never realising that our relationship was the exact opposite of what I claimed to be – Christian. A follower of Christ. I even sang “I have decided to follow Jesus” with the jitters. Yet everyday (well, almost everyday.) I’d come back and partake of the very relationship that defiled me.

I should’ve seen the signs. Man, I really should’ve known. It wasn’t long into this unholy union that Matilda brought her friend, Penelope, into our relationship. That was when things took a deadly turn for the worse. Penelope was a monster. Yet she seemed to understand my every want. Even my weird quirks. So, I gave in. Each and every time she beckoned, I came bounding over. I was hooked. Warnings against people like Penelope were much more serious. The line was clear, so was the exhortation. Cut her off. Period. But I couldn’t. I was hooked, addicted to the very sin that threatened to damn me. Yet I still wanted very much to remain in this Christian community I enjoyed. So, I maintained a façade, pretended I was fine, falsified my sincerity. Anything to maintain a semblance of sanity.

Turning points don’t come at the snap of a finger. You remember them as turning points because these happenings were the dominoes that started the cascade, the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back. Truth is, the dominoes had to be set before that one could topple them all. The camel had to have already been weakened for a stalk to break it.

My domino came in the form of a YouTube video. Leading up to this moment, all the domino prep work had already been done beforehand. Short but powerful warnings in small groups, sermons, and the like. Still, no one approached me with this. Up till today, I’m inclined to believe that if anyone questioned me about these secret relationships, I’d probably would’ve caved and confessed. (How can you expect elders to rebuke you if they know nothing about your sin? Fool.)

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, my domino. Yea it was this YouTube video that gave a similar warning, but it wasn’t really the main topic of the video. Funny how when the heart’s interest is piqued, we tend to listen more attentively… It took a deal of struggling with myself but that was when I sent the texts to my mentors in church:

Then began a series of confessions and accountability meetups. It felt glad to be finally rid of the burden of keep Matilda and Penelope under wraps. Oh the relief I felt to finally have it dawn upon me that they were beyond toxic!

We read the Word together. They got me to read a book on this particular topic. I didn’t want anything to do with the 2 of them anymore; let’s just say, whatever we were engaging in, it wasn’t just dishonouring to God, but it defiled me. I didn’t want to continue this anymore. Convicted as I was, I took on all ways and means to cut them off. I shan’t get into details, but the “cutting off” process definitely hurt. Sometimes it would even draw questions from my friends (who might’ve noticed some things were different).

And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.

Yet till this day, I’m not completely free from their clutches. First, I would be reminded of their sweet lies and tempted to reach out to them. Just this once. Then Matilda usually comes first. Closely followed by Penelope.

Ever since those texts, I have been in a constant battle against the passions of the flesh that wage war against my soul. Temptation, Sin, Guilt, Repentance, rinse and repeat. I'm reluctant to say this, but I'm still stuck with the two of them. Can I even call it true repentance if that seems to be the pattern?

Regardless, the reason I stand up yet again is this: I cannot deny God. He is as real to me as the concrete upon which I’m sitting now. Even after being deceived by their temptings, I am compelled to confess my sin and begin this uphill battle to repent.

Thanks be to God for the conviction carved out on my heart. Thanks be to God for the revelation of my sin. Yet I’m not satisfied with these. It isn’t enough that I see the ugly sin within me. It isn’t enough that I fully believe in God’s reality. I must win this war. My relationship with my loving Creator is at stake. Eternal life, full of joy is at stake.

With every fall, I cry out to my Redeemer. Please no more guilt and shame! For my Redeemer lives. He died and rose that I may escape my hell-bound race. Pull me up on my feet again so I may fight to flee.

Create in me a clean heart O God. A heart that so delights in You that nothing in the world will steal me away.

Saturday 21 October 2017

life's too big for me

There are times when the temptation to give up and run is strong. I just had a moment like that in the shower.

I recently understood the difference between preaching the gospel to strangers or students during street evangelism; and doing likewise to people whom I love and care for. I’ve been so used to rejection by students who “just listen only” or simply make fun of the faith, it doesn’t really bother me much. Yet recent attempts to speak to loved ones about Christ have taken a toll on my weak heart (somewhat).

It hurts.

It hurts when I see my beloved friends and family treat the very gospel that CHANGES LIVES as a passing remark. It hurts when they confess that they just can’t believe. It hurts when I don’t see a real attempt to engage in fellowship with my God. And when hurt and disappointment set in, the whispers of “give up…” become screams of relent.
Typing this down, I realise how much of a hypocrite I am. There have been periods, lots of them, when I treat my God as such. I’m unfaithful to His calling. I’m unloving to His people. I’m unrepentant in my heart.

Life is indeed too big for me Lord, help.

What refuge do I have from the storms of life? Who else do I go to but You Lord?

Change me. Mould me. Refine me. Keep me. That I may hold fast to You in faith.

Please equip me for my life ahead Jesus.

If it’s to preach to family and friends Lord, give me the patience.
If it’s to evangelise to strangers, stir my heart to love them more.
If it’s to encourage fellow saints, bolster my words with Your Spirit.
If it’s to rebuke a wayward friend, strengthen and embolden me.

Keep me from stumbling. 

Yet let all things be within Your will.