Wednesday, 20 July 2016


It seems that I was terribly mistaken. Recent events have led to a paradigm shift in perspective for me. Do you get that? It’s like when some new information sheds light unto your current dilemma; and what seemed like an impasse before becomes nothing but a stumbling block to your renewed vigour… I feel as if Moses had parted the proverbial Red Sea in my quest for vibrancy in within this greyscale life.

For what is colour without light? One is a mere consequence while the other’s the ultimate source. And I, by a series of miraculous, God-inspired events, have seen the metaphorical “light”.

26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
-Matthew 6:26-27

God is the light in my life and it is He who’s the source of ultimate satisfaction. All earthly pleasures are naught but flawed fractels of a joy that can only be found in Him. This is something I have yet to internalise. Because the heart is deceitful, embracing this ultimate truth comes with the heart-wrenching pain at the loss of many “could-have-beens”. It is my prayer that He’ll continue to draw me closer to Him.

Despite this, I’m truly excited, as before, to see His revealed plans for me. My hope is that I will seek Him unceasingly through life’s worries.

God is sovereign. Never forget that, future daniel.

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