Wednesday, 31 January 2018

transmission intercepted

a letter to High Command, only for the eyes of General Levav. From Chief Advisor Sophia, while on a mission of diplomacy. Regarding the potential alliance with newly founded Medgard and her general, Grand Chancellor Eros. (intercepted for your viewing pleasure)


(Apologies for the delay sir. This report was intended to reach your hands two days earlier, the Comms Unit were held back by their frivolous relations with the Medgardians. They have since been appropriately disciplined.)

Our diplomatic talks with Medgard have been going well. Terribly well, if I might add. There seem to be a slight issue though. I can’t (for the life of me) ascertain their true intentions. For a lack of a better word, there seems to be mixed signals here. These people seem so chummy one moment, yet frigid the next.

Truth is, we don’t need this alliance. At least not as of yet. Well, only if it’s within the Divine foreknowledge. The Divine knows and fulfils the need of our nation. Our duty and pleasure to seek that which He deems Right and ordained His kingdom. Regardless of diplomacy (however attractive it might seem to our sovereignty) the Omniscience is and should always be the priority.

As with all matters concerning foreign affairs, this doesn’t concern us alone. I put to you that it might be in the Medgardians benefit that we rush not into this marriage of nations. For history repeats itself like the noria at the banks of the rivers. And many a coalition have turned sour from hurriedly signed treaties (for they fear that either party would turn tail or back stab). Therefore, we cannot be rash.

As uncertainty and confusion already seem to have struck the Medgardians, we must not join them in their folly. In this way, we are not merely preserving this friendship, but the Divine would be pleased, for it is an act of love. I propose we call off a number of the combined exercises with the Medgardian military. Postpone a few of the free-trade zones. And, with all due respect sir, your personal correspondences with Chancellor Eros might have to be cut down. Remember the reason for which we exist.

I am aware that Sir Nephesh of the Palace Guard disagrees with me. That old fool. You’d think a man as in tune with the soul as him would detach himself from the natural Affections for once, for the sake of the body.

Heed not my brother Shacal. He sides with Sir Nephesh on this matter for his own mischievous purposes (which I know not of). Do not forget how he has brought us to the brink of ruin on multiple occasions. The guy doesn’t even make his own bed. Mock him. Laugh at him. But follow his advice, and our nation will crumble.

Lev, my dearest friend, I’m speaking to you as Sophia now. I still remember when you picked me up from the open squares, the gates of the city. Has my counsel ever failed you? Not many have regarded my words Lev. You have seen those whom on which my words have fell on deaf ears. Terror and destruction like stormy whirlwinds. My friend, I wish not for you to suffer their end. Whether this alliance passes or not should be of far less importance to us as of this time. But your moves tell me otherwise Lev. Maybe it will pass, maybe it won't. Regardless of the outcome, remember our duty and pleasure my friend.

I wish I could take over and rule the nation, like you’ve always asked. But you know I can’t. The Divine has ordained it to be you. Lev, it’s your choice to make. Do better this time.

Yours forever,


Advisor Sophia

Sunday, 28 January 2018

beware the apparent victory

To my dear soldier-in-the-Lord. 

I have received news that you seem to be doing well! It’s seems to be a bit of time that you have gone without displeasing the Lord in that particular way you often fall prey to. Praise the Lord for His protection thus far. Dear brother, do be encouraged and strive to further the fight as we look towards the hope of glory together (:

My heart is pleased and my soul is warm. Yet I write to you as one who has re-entered the enemy’s inner courts too many a time. I know the next temptation that will befall you all too well. Therefore, I must see to it that you be ever aware of this.

For it is written: “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!”

Beware the apparent victory you have over the accuser now. None of us are completely free from the marauding sin in the heart. For it takes a mere tweaking of the pitchfork, an alteration in his devious schemes, to ensnare you within the self-spun web of self-righteousness. You’d be crawling back to your phone in a matter of days.

Recall, dear friend, that it was never by your will, nor effort, that you gained this foothold against the roaring lion. Only by the undeserved provision of your Redeemer, were you able to walk thus far. Do not be deceived.

I command you, precious comrade, to rally the troops. Never allow the impending fight to reduce your men to cowering worms. Be nourished by the God-breathed words handed down since generations past, and they will be strong. Nothing in Scripture is written in vain, and it is indeed our wisdom and duty, dear friend, to learn from it.

The truth is, oh dear heart of mine, my security against sin is found in my distrust of you. I’d be lying if I denied the anguish awash upon my soul now. Sometimes it’s the civil wars that hurt the most. But it has to be. For you have led me nowhere but into the slough over and over again.

For this reason, I yearn for the day that you and I might be reconciled when the Maker hammers you into glorious conformity to His perfect design. Whilst I endure the wait, my assurance is this, that my faithful King will never allow temptation beyond what I can bear. At the height of its apparent unbearableness lies the escape route He has paved for me to slip. How merciful is the Almighty indeed!

Keep at it. Remember the enemy seeks to war against our soul. Fight to flee.

May the Lord find us faithful.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

a letter to the defeated

The very fact that you are reading this is a miracle. Your heart is so fickle, it's truly by God's grace that you're brought back here. Recognise that as much as it was God's will to humble you (and therefore go back to seek His face), it was your full decision to engage in the very act that drove the nails into His hands and feet.

How are you feeling? Detached? Everything's in a haze? Don't wanna think about it? Fearful? Prideful? You'd do better to humble yourself sir. I'm praying for you to. Hurry up and confess it to the people you keep accountable to! The longer you delay it, the less the urgency shall be felt. Lest you forget (as you are prone to), I request that you do it now. 

Entrust yourself to this group of saints that He has blessed you with! Give thanks for their relentless brotherhood. God is so good to you. You better believe it.

So, what was it this time? Morning idleness? Boredom? Breaking your no-phone rule? Whatever it was, cut it now. Whatever it is that caused you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is truly better to suffer this temporary hurt, than to risk deviating from the Divine an inch. Though you don't ever admit it, you're really not wise. If you're even a tad bit unsure of how to cut it, ask. Talk to the brothers our dear Lord has sent your way.

Quiet your hazy heart and ask God to clear the fog. Pray for Him to let you see once more, that which was clouded by the enemy. Cast aside the lies of compromise and believe only that which is Believable. Read His word, and trust in the hope of eternity. Cling not, cherish not the world. For the umpteenth time (do not be discouraged at this), turn your back on the temporal ticklings, look for eternal Joy.

It doesn’t end here. The enemy will use your failure as a despicable opportunity to hammer in the nails of unfaithfulness. If you, by God’s mercy, take a closer look, you’ll see that the ferocity in which he hammers is fuelled by your very own sloth. Do not, ever, for an instant, take your eyes away from the kingdom work. Remember your commitments to our Lord. Never let the tumour of sin metastasize to the ministry. And let’s continue to look forward to the Day, when our dear Master returns to call His good and faithful servant ok?

We are never deserving of His Love, that’s why it’s called Charity. Yet He, oh how He loves the unlovable! Pray for an inkling of Love Himself to rub off on you, that we can pursue Him with a fraction of the intensity in which he runs after us.

Go to Him, my broken spirit. Yet remember that we are indeed victorious. This was written not to affirm you of your filth, but to encourage you, dear Daniel, that the battle is truly truly truly already won! That’s the reason we fight, remember?

Do better now, dear friend.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

my red lizard

I have a red lizard, 
he scratches my itches.
His sort is not
allowed in the Holy City.

I know
but he scratches my itches.

Shall I remove him?
It will hurt though.

I don't know... 
he's not that bad...

Do you trust Him?

Help me to.